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FAN Members Complete ASIST Training for Suicide Intervention

Your friends with Farmer Angel Network just completed a two-day training, LivingWorks ASIST Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training, growing our skills to keep our community Safe 4 Now. Many network members have been trained to identify risks and signs of suicidal ideations and what to do to help others avoid suicide attempts.

This program had 27 wonderful people from Southwest Wisconsin in attendance at Grace Lutheran Church of Dodgeville. The program was offered by Farm Well Wisconsin and Southwestern Wisconsin Community Action Program (SWCAP)

ASIST is the world's leading suicide intervention training program. The training was a massive success. Thank you to each and everyone of you who was able to attend. There are now 27 more Southwest Wisconsinites who know how to prevent suicide by recognizing signs, providing skilled intervention, and developing a safety plan to keep someone alive.

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