March 25, 2024 - PBS' Independent Lens documentary "Greener Pastures" released today follows four Midwest farm families as they deal with the mental health challenges affecting farmers today. In 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that farmers have the highest rate of suicide among any profession by more than 30 percent.
Wisconsin's Jeff Ditzenberger is featured as a farmer, mental health advocate and the founder of TUGS (Talking, Understanding, Growing, Supporting). Others in the film from Wisconsin include Fabulous Farm Babe/Midwest Farm Report's Pam Jahnke.
Farmer Angel Network's co-founder, Randy Roecker, is thanked in the film credits for his interviews with PBS and sharing of his own experience and helping bring light to the challenges farmers are facing.
Greener Pastures, a story of perseverance and survival within the farming industry in the heartland, can be viewed on PBS. Learn more at
Thank you to PBS and the film makers for helping break the stigma of mental health issues in farming. No one farms alone and there is help!