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FAN Co-Founder Becomes Trainer of SafeTALK Suicide Prevention Workshops

March 29, 2023 - Loganville, WI

Brenda Statz, Co-Founder of Farmer Angel Network, completed the LivingWorks safeTALK Training for Trainers (T4T). This is a 2-day course to train and empower others with life-saving skills for suicide prevention in our local communities. SafeTALK is a half-day workshop that trains community members to recognize persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to intervention resources. By carrying out the TALK steps taught in safeTALK (Tell, Ask, Listen and KeepSafe) a suicide alert helper offers

potentially life-saving assistance to someone experiencing suicide.

Brenda completed the initials steps to begin teaching this workshop. The process to become a registered SafeTALK instructor is a significant investment and worth it in Brenda's eyes to save lives. Instructors must:

  • Complete 4-hour SafeTALK workshop

  • Complete additional 12-hour SafeTALK T4T course in which candidates must present the concepts they learned

  • Complete many hours outside of the classroom of additional reading and planning to prepare for teaching first SafeTALK workshop

  • Teach 3 SafeTALK workshops with another registered trainer

  • Complete additional courses to maintain trainer status

Brenda's commitment to become a trainer helps Farmer Angel Network continue to build these life saving skills throughout are rural and farming community. The Network will be able to offer more trainings. Thank you, Brenda, for your passion and dedication to this effort.

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